Tag: mm

Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

Touchy Feely Sweet Thing

Happy Lucky Everything, Book Two

Kieran Frank

Jayden has dropped his ex, Kail, but he deserved it, even if it leaves Jayden feeling lonely. His bestie, Sasha, is going out of state for college next year, creating a countdown for the end of their friendship. Ollie continues to capture Jayden's heart, but that boy isn't around much these days. Gracie, a Christian extremist with a hate-on for Jayden, just keeps making his life worse. And his mother doesn't seem to care about anything except her new boyfriend, Mitch.

Now, there’s someone new who enters Jayden's life...

Geoff is an exchange student from Germany. He's staying with Sasha and her family—and he seems to be taking Jayden's place in Sasha's life. Maybe that countdown to the end of their friendship is already over? But as Jayden forces himself to learn to like Geoff, he learns he might like him a little more than he wanted to. Jayden's heart belongs to Ollie, but Ollie's not around enough. Geoff, though...

Ollie started as Jayden's squish, then became a crush. But will he also be that special sweet thing that gives Jayden all the feels? Or will Geoff claim that space in Jayden's heart instead?

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Touchy Feely Sweet Thing is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Books by Kieran Frank

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The Line of Succession 6: God Save The…?

The Line of Succession 6: God Save The...?

Harry F. Rey

As Britain hurtles toward the coronation, the battle for the line of succession comes to its final—and deadly—conclusion. Who will survive and wear the crown?

Andrew is missing, having absconded from his lifetime of duty to James’ every whim and desire. But Andrew’s new master has his own agenda. Vengeance.

In London, plans for the coronation of King James go awry as a series of deadly attacks target senior royals and Alexandra’s children have been snatched from her grip by the government, carrying out its own secret strategy.

Meanwhile the tables have turned on Lizzie, who must now serve the very institutions she longed to destroy.

But if James, Alexandra, and Lizzie are to have any hope of surviving, they must unite against the forces that sent their father to his fiery death years ago. They must unite against the crown itself.

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Books by Harry F. Rey

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My Saurian Friends

My Saurian Friends

The Saurian Love Trilogy, Book Two

Kon Blacke

Max Bujold is a velociraptor with heart.

But because he works undercover to expose illegal activities against humans by saurians, he finds himself embroiled in the sickening underworld culture known as ikizukuri porn. This spectacle, organised by underworld bosses for saurian entertainment, puts bought humans ‘on the menu’ to be 'used' and eaten alive at the same time.

One such human, a young boy named Benjamin, steals Max’s heart at the same time as Aston, Max’s next-door neighbour, does. And all too quickly, Max discovers he not only needs to save Benjamin, but Aston as well.

Can Max, with the help of his saurian friends, prevent the unthinkable? Or will his job force him to live the rest of his days without the loves of his life?

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Books by Kon Blacke

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Tricks ‘N’ Treats

Tricks 'N' Treats

Jean Locke Holmes: Porn Star Detective, #2

John Luke Maxwell

It’s a brand-new day for Rafael Vásquez. Sure, his ex-boyfriend tried to kill him, but all of that led to an extraordinary new life with his porn crush—and amateur sleuth—Jean Locke Holmes.

When word trickles down of a week-long Halloween party at the newest gay bathhouse in the Castro, it’s not long before Holmes smells something odd about. Their room at the bathhouse is vandalized. Raf finds himself shedding far more than his inhibitions when he is hired to replace a dancer who died tragically under shady circumstances. Before long, another dancer bites the dust.

The Halloween horror builds to a harrowing climax as Raf stares down the barrel of a gun to confront a greedy conspiracy lurking just below the surface.

Raf will have to bare all—and learn some dark truths about his own character—if he wants to survive.

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Books by John Luke Maxwell

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My Tyrannosaurus Lover

My Tyrannosaurus Lover

The Saurian Love Trilogy, Book One

Kon Blacke

Karl Meddings is what you would call an ordinary guy in every way. He loves his best friend—with benefits—Sagan, with all his heart, and leads a good life. The only unusual thing about his world is the fact he shares it with saurians—the modern-day ancestors of dinosaurs.

But now, Karl’s boss, a rather attractive tyrannosaurus by the name of Benedict Tumbold, has an interesting proposal for both Karl and Sagan—a proposal that could turn Karl from an ordinary guy with no real prospects to someone special.

A hero…

Will Karl accept his boss’s offer? Will Sagan? Or will an ordinary life be all that Karl’s destined for?

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Books by Kon Blacke

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Mortal Screaming

Mortal Screaming

The Legend of Hereward #2

Kon Blacke

The whisperings continue beyond the aftermath of Ealdræd’s destruction. And as the dust settles across the universe after such an event, a new, greater evil seizes the opportunity to arise. An evil that begets an evil that will threaten the world in ways the gods can’t even fathom.

As the Whispering Monks have foretold.

The whisperings also mention a boy named Wallace, rescued by Lord Knight Hereward after an unspeakable horror. That boy—destined to be the son of Hereward—has a greater purpose within the machinery of the universe as a demon slayer. But that’s just the beginning for Hereward’s son.

So the whisperings say.

The whisperings also speak of Abbot Hosho’s mortal creation, Greysen. A man who’s an outcast but far more powerful than the supplicant he currently believes he is—more so when the demon he serves releases its hold on him, for Greysen is no longer desired.

So it is that these two—Wallace and Greysen—with Lord Hereward’s sword, will reshape the world as much as any evil born ever could. Because when good has a greater purpose, everything changes. For better or for the worse? Only the Whispering Monks can say.

And they don’t whisper about that.

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Books by Kon Blacke

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Sporting Wood

Sporting Wood

Men in Love and Lust #3

Michael Bracken

Introduction by Neil S. Plakcy

High-rise window washer Joe is used to seeing things on the job that he really shouldn’t, but he’s gotten good at ignoring the sights. That is, until his latest gig of washing the windows of a condominium has him like a peeping-tom watching two hot-as-hell men go at it in the supposed privacy of their bedroom.

When he’s spotted by the men, he fears the worst—and he can’t lose this job. But instead of calling the cops, one of the men holds a business card up to the window, giving Joe his name and number.

After struggling with whether or not to call the man—and realizing he’s thought of nothing else since—Joe dives in crotch-first, leading him into a whole new world of sexual adventures.

“High-Rise Hook-Up” is just one of nineteen scorching hot and smutty-as-hell stories in this sweaty, throbbing, pounding collection of gay erotica from Michael Bracken, acclaimed author of erotic short fiction.

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Books by Michael Bracken

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Queer Bait

Queer Bait

Men in Love and Lust #2

Michael Bracken

Introduction by Neil S. Plakcy

David isn't the hook-up type, but there's something about Clive—the sexy, older man from the pool locker room—that makes David take him up on the offer for drinks.

His hopes of a whirlwind romance, or even just a down-and-dirty afternoon, are dashed when Clive reveals himself to be an undercover cop intent on enlisting David's help. It seems David's new boss has a history of seducing young men, and at least one of them has gone missing, and Clive needs a sexy young man like David to wear a wire and find out just what the man is up to.

Caught between a deadly dangerous boss and a way-too-sexy cop, David has to navigate getting what he wants—Clive inside him—with giving his boss what he wants—him inside David—for information that could save future young gay men.

“Smooth Stroke” is just one of twenty scorching hot and smutty-as-hell stories in this sweaty, throbbing, pounding collection of gay erotica from Michael Bracken, acclaimed author of erotic short fiction.

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Books by Michael Bracken

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All-American Male

All-American Male

Men in Love and Lust #1

Michael Bracken

Introduction by Neil S. Plakcy

When college student Bernie is dragged to a Christmas party where he knows nobody, the last thing he expects is to be naked and between the thighs of the sexiest man he's ever met.

While older men aren't usually his thing, there's something about Professor Maeyer that gets Bernie going in ways he hasn't felt for a long time. So, when the party ends and everyone's gone home and it's just Bernie and Professor Maeyer, he gets a deeper education, the kind that can't be taught in class, the kind that can only be taught in the bedroom.

Bernie's about to learn just how much Professor Maeyer can blow his mind (and his load).

“Learning Curve” is just one of nineteen scorching hot and smutty-as-hell stories in this sweaty, throbbing, pounding collection of gay erotica from Michael Bracken, acclaimed author of erotic short fiction.

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Books by Michael Bracken

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Hunting Rabbits in the Dark

Hunting Rabbits in the Dark

S.W. Ballenger

Hawk has the perfect life with the perfect girlfriend that he's loved since seventh grade. He's built his whole world around her, and he knows that once they graduate and enter the adult world, he's going to marry her and they're going to start a family.

This rock-solid life is shaken after a chance encounter with his former childhood best friend, Gabe. He's now the quarterback of the rival school's football team, tall, rugged, handsome...all of which awakens feelings Hawk thought he'd buried long ago.

When tragedy destroys Hawk's perfect world, he turns to the only one that can help him through—Gabe. With his best friend's help, will Hawk be able to rebuild his world and regain his footing? Or will he sink so deep into depression that he'll never escape?

Publisher's Note:
Hunting Rabbits in the Dark takes place in a small town in Arkansas. It's set five years after the events of A Boy Remade, but can be read as a standalone. This novel explores teen grief, depression, bisexuality, and love.

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  • Amazon (also part of Kindle Unlimited)

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Click here for S.W. Ballenger's author page.

Hunting Rabbits in the Dark is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Books by S.W. Ballenger

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