A Devil’s Desire

A Devil's Desire

Hell's Hound, Book One

Jay Cee

Private Investigator Lorna Potgieter is short, fiery, and gifted with a knack of knowing truth from lie.

It’s a helpful talent, in her grimy line of work—hunting down liars, cheaters, and predators preying on the vulnerable.

Stepping into the bar that night, she thought she was just seeking her latest mark. But when she crosses paths with a centuries-old devil of seduction, she must rethink everything she was sure of, everything she had been taught, if she is to survive the challenges ahead and win the ultimate prize…and her own heart in the process.

Where Angels fear to tread, Lorna Potgieter will dance…with the Devil.

A Devil's Desire releases March 28.

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Books by Jay Cee