Tag: Charli Mac



Charli Mac

Clara died a horrible death, slipping and sliding in her own blood while she tried to stop an elderly neighbor from being robbed. She passed, but she didn’t go anywhere. Life as a ghost isn’t too bad, though. She has her neighbor, Agnes, and together they learn how to dream-share so that Clara can have some company, but then Agnes dies and the cottage sits empty for years.

It’s a lonely, lonely existence, but a safe one.

When Patrick buys the cottage and moves in with big plans to renovate it, Clara’s isolation is broken, but so also is her little bubble of security.

Patrick draws her. He’s handsome, intense, and full of life. He’s everything Clara has been starved of. She dream-shares with him, even knowing he doesn’t understand that she’s real. In those dreams, Patrick takes her to places she never imagined she’d want to go, down the seductive rabbit hole of BDSM. Clara is enraptured, but now that she’s had a taste, she wants more. She wants Patrick to know that she’s real, that he’s doing all these things with her…not with a figment of his imagination.

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An Angel Among Dogs

An Angel Among Dogs

To The Dogs #1

Charli Mac

Bethany is dead. It was horrible and violent, but it’s over now. And she’s still here, kind of, floating aimlessly in a vast nothingness, a mind without a body.

Kai Strand is First Hound. It’s a heavy responsibility, trying to ensure the survival of his race against the men who have always seen them as second-class citizens. After his Hounds are instrumental in winning a battle for valuable new land, he is astonished when Price Faron offers him an unbelievable reward: a chance to stand before the Ether at the Solar Convexion—the first in a hundred and fifty years—and see if he is lucky enough to call forth a spirit to bind.

A strange doorway opens before Bethany, pulling her through. Is it the real world or something else? On the other side, she finds a riot of noise and confusion…and a handsome man whose tortured expression called to her through the portal. She clings to him as he whisks her away into the night.

This may not have been the wisest decision because it seems there’s been a case of mistaken identities of epic proportion: he and his companions, Hounds, they call themselves, think she’s an angel. A sacred being with all sorts of powers. Ha.

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Click here for Charli Mac's Deep Desires Press page.

An Angel Among Dogs is published by Dreamsphere Books, our imprint for fantasy and science-fiction. To learn more or to discover more great fiction, click here to visit the Dreamsphere website.

His Mate Series

His Mate Series

Charli Mac

Now available as a bundle! The His Mate series is a set of fated-to-be-mated PNR novellas featuring shifters, werewolves and demons (Oh my!). We even throw in a witch for good measure. In a world where things go bump (and grind) in the night, our heroes are smart, seductive, and sexy as hell. They’re on the hunt for some badass, beautiful and even book-reading heroines. This complete bundle contains all six novellas of the His Mate Paranormal Romance series.

His Curious Mate
Anna is sensible, staid, and single—and sick of it. She wants excitement; she wants to be tied down and spanked! How’s shifter Callum supposed to say no to that, especially when the woman is his mate?

His Cautious Mate
Getting tied up by his mate isn’t the most conventional start to a relationship, but Gregor has no intentions of going anywhere, not when he’s got shy but sensual Bea playing nurse maid.

His Capricious Mate
Coffin? Seethe master Tobias has a kink dungeon, thank you very much, and he’s delighted to give ex-cop-now-artist Cat her own, very personal tour.

His Calamitous Mate
Daisy is a witch with a problem—Abigor, warrior demon, the Grand Duke of Hell. He’s just attached himself to her as her personal bodyguard, key word: personal.

His Classy Mate
Evangeline is a vampire and lady. That won’t stop her from doing what needs to be done to protect human Michael from the malicious intentions of fellow vampire Julian.

His Contrary Mate
Janna is meant to take a wolf for a mate, not a hapless vampire. Kevin doesn’t much care for what should happen, and if he has to take on an entire shifter pack to keep her, he will.

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His Contrary Mate

His Contrary Mate

His Mate #6

Charli Mac

Janna knows what the shifters in her pack think of her. They say she’s difficult. Stubborn. Willful. They say she needs to find her mate and settle down. The only friend she has is a blood sucker, Kevin, the one who rescued her from the psycho vamp Julian when he kidnapped her. When her father arranges to foster her with another pack far away, she thinks about turning to Kevin, but what’s a single vampire supposed to do against an entire pack of shifters? She’s resigned to her fate, until the alpha from the new pack arrives and Janna overhears exactly what his plans for her are.

Kevin exists at the bottom of the pile. He’s the youngest and the weakest vampire in the seethe, and that makes him the dogsbody, the butt of the joke. The punching bag. Janna is the one light spot in his life…and now she’s leaving him. When Janna’s alpha storms into the seethe, hunting for his missing daughter, Kevin doesn’t care that finding her probably means handing her over to someone else. She’s out there, alone in the dark, and all he can think of is getting her safe.

They’ll worry about the rest, after.

His Contrary Mate is a 23,000-word novella and part six in a six-part series.

Purchase your ebook copy:

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His Classy Mate

His Classy Mate

His Mate #5

Charli Mac

Evangeline occupies an extremely privileged place in the seethe, high in Master’s favor, and she’d be extremely happy with her lot in life if it wasn’t for Julian, the annoying vampire who wants her as his mate and who won’t take no for an answer. He’s too powerful for her to spurn him completely, but she’s running out of ways to put him off. A reckoning is coming, and when she saves an elderly man from being Julian’s next victim, she knows she brings that reckoning much closer.

The woman who drives Michael’s dad back from the restaurant after he took a strange funny turn is stunningly beautiful, graceful and ladylike. When she suddenly disappears, it’s not hard for Michael to convince himself that he imagined her. Bumping into her again on a routine construction job, he’s astonished when she asks him out on a date. What would a woman like her want with an average Joe like him?

When Master sends Evangeline in to investigate an unusual occurrence in Julian’s territory, she finds herself sticking her neck out for Michael—never a comfortable thing for a vampire—and protecting him from Julian…which paints a big red target on his back. She needs to find out exactly what Julian’s up to, and fast, to save them both.

His Classy Mate is a 21,000-word novella and part five in a six-part series.

Purchase your ebook copy now:

  • Amazon (also available on Kindle Unlimited)

His Calamitous Mate

His Calamitous Mate

His Mate #4

Charli Mac

Daisy is a witch with a problem—and it isn’t that her idiot of a mother named her Daisy. The master of the local vampire seethe—the one who recently kidnapped her!—wants her to come and do a job for him. She doesn’t know what the job is, and she doesn’t care. She is not working for the vamps again. Looking to protect herself, she summons Orphon, a demon she’s worked with before, hoping his hulking presence will keep the seethe from her door. Only it isn’t Orphon who comes through the portal…

Abigor, warrior demon and Grand Duke of Hell, didn’t have popping into a witch’s basement on his list of things to do this evening, but now that he’s here, he’s curious. Not about the master vampire or the goons he’s left to lurk outside, but the curvaceous, nervous little witch who had the audacity to summon him to for guard dog duty. He strikes a bargain with her: his protection for her pleasure. He’ll stay and deal with the vampire threat if she’ll let him show her exactly what sensual delights a demon is capable of.

His Calamitous Mate is an 18,000-word novella and part four in a six-part series.

Buy your ebook copy now:

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His Capricious Mate

His Capricious Mate

His Mate #3

Charli Mac

Cat used to live a fast-paced life as a cop, but now she’s enjoying life in the slow lane as an artist with her own gallery. When someone breaks in in the middle of the night, her training kicks in and she apprehends the thief. He starts to babble nonsense about sunlight and jail, and she thinks he’s crazy until his master pops into existence right in the middle of her gallery floor.

Most days Tobias Hunter regrets turning Kevin into a vampire, but not this one. When a brash woman rudely summons him to collect the hapless idiot, he’s intrigued. No one speaks to him like that. No one. Wanting to spend more time with her—time where she’s writhing in ecstasy in his private dungeon—he offers her a job: find the priceless relic Kevin has lost and bring it to him.

Cat’s not a private investigator, and she has no desire to go back to chasing down bad guys, but keeping a gallery running is not cheap, and Tobias is offering a paycheck big enough to keep her afloat for a big, long while. And if she finds his stupid ring, she gets to see him again. And that, she really does desire.

His Capricious Mate is a 16,000-word novella and part three in a six-part series.

Purchase your ebook copy now:

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His Cautious Mate

His Cautious Mate

His Mate #2

Charli Mac

When Bea is awoken by a loud crash in the middle of the night, she thinks it’s hoodlums partying in the street again. She is not expecting to find a bloodied and battered man sprawled out on her garden chaise-longue. She can’t very well leave him there, and he refuses to let her call him an ambulance, so she drags him up to her spare room. He can sleep it off, then get out. Only, Bea is never going to be able to sleep with a large, strange man free to roam her house…

When Gregor wakes up tied to a bed, he’s surprised his wolf isn’t going crazy. Granted, the ropes tying him to the bed are so pitiful he could snap them with one half-hearted muscle flex, but still… When a woman comes bustling in with a tray of breakfast in her hands, he understands why. Mate. She's skittish, though, and looks ready to run from him at the slightest thing. That’s okay, he can take it slow. Woo her. After all, she’s got him all tied up, it’s not like he’s going anywhere.

His Cautious Mate is a 16,000-word novella and part two in a six-part series.

Purchase your ebook copy now:

  • Amazon (also available on Kindle Unlimited)

His Curious Mate

His Curious Mate

His Mate #1

Charli Mac

Anna is sensible, staid, and single—and sick of it. She wants excitement; she wants to be tied down and spanked! When she meets Callum on an online BDSM forum, she’s drawn to confess her fantasies to him. When he invites her to meet with him, do some of them for real? She can’t say no.

Callum is a shifter with a problem. His wolf is tired of random hook ups, it wants to settle down with his mate. Both of them are intrigued by the curious little morsel they meet online, and when she walks into the bar they’ve arranged to meet at, Callum immediately understands why. She’s his mate, and she’s walking willingly into his arms, hoping he’ll show her exquisite pleasure. How’s a shifter supposed to say no to that?

Things go exactly to plan—for both of them—until the morning after. Because Callum might have forgotten to mention exactly what happens when a Shifter meets and claims a human mate…

His Curious Mate is a 15,000-word novella and part one in a six-part series.

Purchase your ebook copy now:

  • Amazon (also available on Kindle Unlimited)