Tag: kon blacke

Offering Gold Coins to a Cat

Offering Gold Coins to a Cat

Boyslove in the Gangland District #1

Kon Blacke

Tachibana Kushano goes to Michael Brock’s gentleman’s club, Badda-Bings, to give himself to many other men at once. All because his boyfriend, Riyu, orders him to.

Tachibana never questions Riyu.

He’s his submissive, after all.

But when he’s finished, Riyu still isn’t happy, and Tachibana doesn’t understand why. And as he quickly discovers, he’s never been appreciated by Riyu either, even when he’s done whatever he’s been told without question. As a result of Riyu’s anger, Tachibana is then punished, hurt beyond anything imaginable.

For Tachibana, it’s the last straw.

The trouble is…how can he recover after being dominated by Riyu for so long? How can he learn to trust someone else again?

But above all, how can Tachibana love someone else, even someone who wants to care for him? Someone like Michael Brock, for instance?

Publisher's note:
This dark boys’ love story contains graphic gay sex between adults. It also contains the attempted abuse of an underage character, and torture of a character as punishment, which may cause some people distress.

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Books by Kon Blacke

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Immortal Whispers

Immortal Whispers

The Legend of Hereward, Book One

Kon Blacke

The Whispering Monks have foretold change to the world, and it's fast approaching. They also speak of the mortals who'll be involved.

Hereward, a lord knight who only worships the steel at his side, as the mad magician Ealdræd has taken away everyone he had ever loved. Wymond, an oblate determined to find his true self, even if it means turning away from everything he has ever known. Beornræd, a powerful magician who fears to love again after the cruelties of his past. Kieron, a stable hand with dragon blood flowing through his veins and is the rightful heir to a realm of unimaginable beauty.

All four will travel their own paths, to destroy their pasts and rebuild their future, as they thwart the evil plans of Ealdræd and his conduit, the immortal Abbot Hosho.

The whisperings continue through epic battles, both on the ground and in the sky.

The whisperings shall continue beyond the aftermath.

As it has been foretold.

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Click here for Kon Blacke's Deep Desires Press page.

Immortal Whispers is published by Dreamsphere Books, our imprint for fantasy and science-fiction. To learn more or to discover more great fiction, click here to visit the Dreamsphere website.

Books by Kon Blacke

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